The XRPL SEA Hackathon 2024

For the XRPL SEA Ambassador Program
icon Introduction
The XRP Ledger (XRPL) is a secure, cost-efficient, decentralized Layer 1 Blockchain intentionally designed for finance use cases that has enabled the tokenization and movement of value for over a decade. XRPL is trusted by a vibrant community of builders, including Ripple, validators, infrastructure providers, users and institutions.In the XRPL SEA Ambassador Program, ambassadors will have a key role in promoting the XRPL SEA Hackathon, helping participants directly and building a strong XRPL community. This role is a great chance to gain valuable industry experience and recognition while actively supporting the growth and success of XRPL
icon How to join
Submit application form
Social engagement with XRPL
Check your status email
Onboarding & Join the XRPL Ambassador Private Group
Provide guidance and mentorship to participants
Contribute your ideas and growth up with XRPL in SEA market
icon Who is suitable for the XRPL SEA Ambassador Program?
Requirement arrow
Social Impact
  • at least 3,000 followers
  • Linkedin: at least 1,000 followers
Speaking Engagement:
  • Join as a speaker at Web3/Defi Events
  • Join as a panelist at Web3/Defi topic discussion
  • Online Space/AMA about Web3/Defi discussion
Target Ambassadors

DeFi / Web3 founders

Entrepreneurs who have already launched a DeFi / Web3 startup or are in a process of launching it



Influential Key Opinion Leaders who can help promote and raise awareness of the XRPL SEA Hackathon 2024



Venture Capitalists and investors who can provide funding, resources, and guidance to support the most promising XRPL projects emerging from the hackathon



Subject-matter experts and academics who can offer valuable insights, learning materials, and technical mentorship to the hackathon participants



Talented developers, designers, and innovators who can create innovative XRPL-based solutions and showcase skills at the hackathon



Vibrant developer, XRPL, DeFi and Web3 communities that can engage, collaborate, and contribute to the success of the hackathon

icon Why join the XRPL SEA Ambassador Program?
Build your Career Becoming a XRPL SEA Ambassador offers you a great opportunity. In this role, you will gain valuable hands-on experience in the Web3 and DeFi field. You will also expand your network within the Web3 and DeFi community and showcase your passion and expertise. 
Join a thriving Ecosystem You will gain access to an exclusive network of blockchain innovators, developers, and enthusiasts. This will allow you to connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for this revolutionary technology.
Contribute to Growth You will have the chance to help demonstrate the features, use cases, and benefits of XRPL technology to a global audience. This is an important role, as it involves educating people about the transformative potential of blockchain and decentralized applications. 
icon What will you receive with us?
Reward & recognition as XRPL SEA Ambassadors
You'll have access to exclusive earning opportunities from projects in the XRPL ecosystem. This means you can be paid for your efforts in helping to promote and educate people
Work at your own pace
The XRPL ambassador program is designed to be flexible, allowing you to accommodate it within your schedule, so you can participate in a way that works for you. The more time and effort you put into this role, the more rewarding the experience will be
Exclusive access
Get access to events, merch, whitelists, product launches and more
icon General Guidelines
Review the ambassador handbook and familiarize yourself with the code of conduct, responsibilities, and reporting requirements.
Community Engagement
Actively participate in the XRPL and Web3 community discussions, both online and offline. Organize or attend community events, meetups, or workshops to promote the hackathon and engage with the target audience.
Outreach & Promotion
Leverage your personal and professional networks to spread awareness about the SEA XRPL Hackathon 2024. Utilize social media platforms to share updates, engage with the community, and encourage participation. Collaborate with local influencers, media outlets, and industry publications to amplify the hackathon's reach.
Participant Support
Provide one-on-one guidance and mentorship to hackathon participants, addressing their questions and helping them access the available resources. Monitor the progress of the participant teams and report any outstanding issues or achievements to the organizers.
Reporting & Feedback
Submit regular progress reports highlighting your activities, community engagement, and the impact you've made. Provide constructive feedback to the organizers on improving the ambassador program and the overall hackathon experience. Participate in post-event debriefing sessions to share insights and lessons learned.
icon General Regulations for the XRPL SEA Ambassador
Do not use for personal gain
Exploiting the Ambassador role, XRPL brand to attract investments, benefiting in other forms, affecting the overall reputation of XRPL and specifically other ambassadors.
Do not arbitrarily disclose information
This includes misleading information about XRPL, information not verified by XRPL to the community.
Avoid negative behavior
Influencing the business model, XRPL ecosystem, other XRPL ambassadors, and impacting the XRPL community.
icon How to become the XRPL SEA Ambassador
All you have to do is fill out this form button
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the mission purpose of the The XRPL SEA Hackathon 2024 Ambassador?
The description of the box goes here
Is this a paid position?
This is an unpaid position. However ambassadors will have access to a pool of paid incentives that they can complete
What are the responsibilities of a selected Ambassador?
The range of responsibilities vary depending on your individual ambition
I currently run other communities, can I be an ambassador?
Generally yes. This can be decided on a case by case base depending on your level of involvement with another project/community.
Contact Us
While we believe this FAQ covers a wide range of topics, we recognize that every participant is unique. If you have any questions that haven